Vorpal Blade Page 8
"That's okay," Mimi said as Tuffy crawled up the woman's arm. He'd never done that before, either.
"He's tickly," the lady said, plucking him off and handing him back. "I like you, Tuffy, but Mimi's your special friend. So you're on this boat, too? What's your job?"
"Tuffy just told me we had to come," Mimi said, shrugging. "I don't really know what I'm supposed to do."
"I'm Miriam," the lady said, holding out her hand. "I'm the linguist."
"I'm pleased to meet you, ma'am," Mimi said, shaking her hand.
"I'm glad you're here," Miriam said. "Everybody else is so stuffy. It's good to have a friend. We're going to have so much fun!"
Mimi, for the first time since Tuffy told her she had to leave her home, started to hope that might be the case.
"What in the hell is that?" Miller asked, blinking his eyes in astonishment.
The engine room of the boat was almost blindingly white. And it had all the usual sort of stations he'd expect to see in a nuclear reactor. But . . . floating in the middle of the room was a big silver ball with what looked like very close longitude and latitude lines drawn all around it. Above and below it were large circular . . . somethings. They looked sort of like big magnets.
"That, my friend, is the coryllium sphere," Bill said, grinning. "In the center of that sphere is the little black box we played with oh so many years ago. See that?" he asked, pointing to something that looked like a broad, squat cannon with no opening.
"And that is?"
"That is a meson canon," Bill replied. "Turns out that was the answer. Send that thing electrons and it goes ape-maulk. Fire mesons at it and they degrade into neutrinos. Feed it with neutrinos and it generates a black hole. A stable one. And it is inside the box. Generate a large enough one and it somehow . . . warps reality. Creates a special universe that the boat exists in where normal Einstein physics no longer apply. More neutrinos, bigger hole, we go faster. Well, really Einstein's General Relativity does allow for some of the things but that's a long story and a maulk load of tensor math.
"The reason for the big sphere is two-fold. The outer layer is coryllium; it's a room temperature Adar superconductor. So we can balance the sphere on a magnetic field and hold it there using the Meisner effect. The rest of the sphere is radiation absorption material. The Schwarzschild radius of the black hole puts out a maulk-load of hard rads. The sphere absorbs them. I figure it's good for about four hundred thousand hours of use, then we'll have to switch it out. Pretty much like the rods on a sub's reactor.
"Also turns out that the effect you get depends exactly where you aim the neutrinos. That's one reason for having the sphere floating. We can control the impact point of the neutrinos to within a nanometer and with that thing nanometers matter. The lines represent spherical coordinates theta and phi that are basically the same as lat-long, but we drew the lines on there very precisely. It helps align the ball initially. Like I said alignment is . . . important. There's one point where input causes . . . bad things to happen."
"Define bad things," Miller said.
"That you don't have access to," Weaver replied. "I was careful to check. But I will point out that it's one reason there are still five keys on this boat even though we're no longer considered a ballistic missile sub." Weaver fished into his uniform top and pulled out a red key attached to a lanyard. "You do not want me to pull this out for real."
"Oh," Miller said, nodding. "Very bad things."
"Very bad things," Weaver agreed, putting the key away. "There are probably damned near a billion combinations on the thing. We've only figured out about two or three. Basically, we can use it to get around but we don't know what all it is capable of.
"The big problem with the box is you have to dial the mesons down slowly or the hole explodes. So we can go into warp fast. Coming out takes five to thirty seconds, more or less. Try to just turn it off and we go boom. Also won't form one when we're too near a gravity well. Not sure why. But no matter how many mesons we pump into it, it won't form until we're about two planetary diameters away. What it does, instead, is create a normal space drive with all the fixin's. It generates pseudogravity, reactionless acceleration and, best of all, an inertial compensator so that we don't get smashed into paste by the accel. Internal gravity is about ninety percent of Earth's, so whoever created this thing likes more or less Earth gravity.
"The warp also won't form inside Venus' orbit, more or less; the sun's gravity is too powerful in that region. The kicker is, if we get too close to a gravity well, it can just shut down. Fortunately for some reason the black hole doesn't explode in that case. I'm pretty sure that's something having to do with the engineering of the device but since I haven't a clue about the theory on the thing, that's just a wild ass guess."
"Where are the mesons coming from?" Miller asked.
"Charged Higgs in the cannon," the astrogator said. "An upgraded version of the aimer doo-hickey we started opening gates with. There's a small Adar ardune reactor in the back of the room. That supplies plenty of power. More power than the system can handle."
"So, you've got quarkium warheads on the missiles," Miller said wonderingly.
"And the torpedoes," Bill pointed out.
"I so don't want to know about the torpedoes," Miller said. "You've got contained quarkium in this room and a micro blackhole generator. One that, if you hit it with either electricity or neutrinos in the wrong spot, very bad things happen. And the whole ship is one big . . . blage. With a grapping window. Why do the words 'warp core breach' come to mind?"
"Because if any of the fine technicians in this room grapp up," Bill replied, "we are going to light up like a supernova. This sucker shouldn't ever come near a planet, much less be sitting in Newport News. But I try to downplay that. . . ."
Rule Thirty-Two:
Never Trust an Adar with Acronyms
"First call!" Jaenisch said, sticking his head through the door of Bergstresser's room. "Time to rise and shine!"
"Oh, grapp," Berg moaned, rolling over and getting to his feet. "I'll be right . . ." He stopped and ran to the head, a room he had occupied for, on average, ten minutes an hour all night.
"What time did you take the pink maulk?" Jaen asked, ignoring the sounds of dry retching.
"About midnight," Berg answered, sipping some water and rinsing out his mouth.
"Shiny. You're over the worst of it," Jaen said. "By noon you'll be back to your usual chipper Two-Gun self."
"Grapp you, Jaen," Berg said, too miserable to realize he'd just cussed an NCO.
"Uniform and accoutrements in thirty minutes in the bay," Jaen said, ignoring the insult. "Don't eat breakfast, but you'll be fine by lunch."
Load-out was a pain in the butt, especially in the morning.
"What I don't get is why we're even taking battle rattle if we're going to be using Wyverns," Hattelstad said. The best way to move the battle rattle, boron carbide body armor, combat harnesses and rucksacks loaded with minimal gear, was by carrying it in place. So they'd all loaded up, then toted it to a secure loading dock at the rear of the barracks. That involved climbing down four flights of stairs, and while that normally wouldn't have even fazed Berg, at the moment it nearly killed him.
"Nobody knows if we're going to have to go ground-mount," Jaenisch replied. "For that matter, we might end up fighting in the ship. We can't use Wyverns for that."
"The very idea makes my balls shrink up," Hattelstad said. "You know we've still got missiles, right?"
"No," Berg said miserably. "I am as ignorant of the ship as it is possible to be while knowing that it exists."
"And they're loaded with that Adar ardune stuff," Hattelstad said gleefully. "It's more powerful than a nuke and it blows up if you look at it wrong. Wanna know about the food?"
"The word is unwelcome," Berg said. "But if you insist on talking about greasy bacon or whatever, I'll just have to puke all over you. Satisfied?"
"We ain't supposed to be
chatting, anyway," Jaenisch pointed out. "So can it."
The loading dock was crowded with other Marines, carefully tossing their rattle into the back of a five ton.
"So this is Two-Gun," a tall, dark PFC with the nametag "Prabhu" said. "And either you're hung over as hell, or you just went through that Shiva damned pre-mission physical."
"Pre-mission," Berg said, walking in the back of the truck and taking off his armor. He carefully put his harness in his mostly empty ruck and then banded the armor around it. "But I'm told that the effects pass by noon."
Prabhu was loaded down with several people's gear. "For some people," he said. "Me, I was puking for a week. All I could eat was soda crackers and water. Well, and Coke. It helps you burp instead of puke."
"Great," Berg said. "And I think I'm coming down with something from the injections."
"Probably Number Thirteen," Hattelstad said, tossing his gear on top of the pile.
"Don't tell me they really gave us an injection to prevent trisa . . . triska . . . fear of the number thirteen?"
"Nah, just sounds like it," Hattelstad said. "So we call it injection thirteen. It's something that's supposed to prevent a bunch of infections from something that gets in your cells or something. Malaria is one of them. One of them 'it's not on the market, yet, but we're sure it's safe' immunizations."
"Oh, grapp me," Berg muttered. "One of those."
With the battle rattle loaded, the entire group headed over to the headquarters building at a trot. They were led by Staff Sergeant Summerlin, who upped the trot to a solid run halfway to the headquarters.
Well, that was fine by Berg. He might be sick as a grapping dog, but he wasn't fazed by a little running. If anything, it made him feel better. He probably should have done PT this morning.
At the headquarters they got started on loading the company's equipment and supplies. That took most of the rest of the morning and they still didn't have it all in the ship. At noon they broke for lunch and Berg had to face the thought of food.
"Eatin' light?" a lance corporal asked, sitting down next to him.
"I had my 'physical' last night," Berg said. "There ought to be a different word."
"There is," the lance corporal said. "Maulk. Kevin Crowley, I'm in Bravo Team."
"Eric Bergstresser," Berg said, shaking his hand.
"Two-Gun . . ." the lance corporal said, drawling the "u." "Saw the clip. But you try that maulk in combat and they're going to have to choose who they prefer, you or me."
"Wouldn't think about it," Berg said, nibbling at the chicken strip. "Sergeant said try it, I tried it."
"Talkin' about Two-Gun here?" Staff Sergeant Summerlin asked, sitting down next to Crowley. "I heard about your fancy shootin', Tex."
"I was under orders to try it, Staff Sergeant," Berg said.
"I also heard that," Summerlin replied, grinning. "And I've seen two-gun mojo done well before. But only playing around. Don't go training on it or anything."
"We're going to be using Wyverns, anyway," Crowley said. "Not much chance for Two-Gun to shine."
"My rig isn't even set up for a pistol," Berg moaned. "I'm not planning on using two. But if I do, I know who I'm going to shoot for showing that clip around."
"Well, we can trade team nicknames if you wish," Prabhu said, sitting down across from him.
"Hey, Gunga-Din," Crowley said, grinning. "Din's in First Platoon, so you won't have to put up with his religious fervor. Much."
"Eat maulk and die, you behanchod," Prabhu said, picking up a chicken strip. "My real name's Prabhu, obviously. Arun Prabhu. Ah, chicken strips. The food of the gods."
"I'm eating a big ole cheeseburger," Crowley said, biting into the thin and not particularly tasty mess burger. "Mmmm . . . taste the goodness."
"May Kali send you more spots upon your face than you already have," Prabhu said, grinning. "You cannot taunt me for my faith is pure."
"Kali wasn't the goddess of sickness," Berg said, frowning. "Wasn't that, uhm . . . Mari?"
"Hell if I know," Prabhu said, taking another bite of chicken and ignoring Crowley. "I'm new to this whole Hindu thing. My parents were atheists from southern India. Big-time liberals who could go full high Brahmin when their 'liberal' positions were challenged. Such as when their son joined the Marines. I just found religion when I got asked what mine was at Basic. I didn't want to say 'Atheist' so I said 'Hindu.' Now I'm trying to figure out what I signed up for. And there's a definite lack of Hindu chaplains to explain the intricacies. So far I've found out there are a bunch of intricacies and that's about it. So I just pray to Vishnu and Brahma and don't eat his bulls and that's about it."
"Oh," Berg said. "Just wondering, cause, like, none of the Hindus I knew worshipped Brahma, either. Just an FYI."
"Intricacies, see?" Prabhu said. "Behanchod intricacies. And I had to give up cheeseburgers. That really hurt. Next cycle, I want to come back as a Christian so I can eat cheeseburgers again. I don't care what the Brahmins say, Christian's got to be higher on the ladder. They get prime rib."
"That's our Din," Summerlin said. "Where'd you pick up all that stuff about Hindus, Two-Gun?"
"I knew a couple of them in school," Berg said, shrugging. "Oh . . . crap," he added, his eyes crossing.
"Gonna keep it down?" Prabhu asked. "Because, you know, this batch is really greasy . . ."
"Saaaah," Berg ground out, his teeth clenched. "Yes, I'm going to keep it down."
"Take a sip of Coke," Staff Sergeant Sumerlin said. "It helps."
"What we really need is a prescription of maree-jew-wanna," Crowley pointed out. "Medicinal grade. But nooo. We just got to suffer. Welcome to the Corps."
"It's good training," Berg said, letting out his air carefully, then burping.
"You are too grapping gung-ho for your own good," Crowley said, grinning.
"Semper-grapping-Fi, behanchod," Berg muttered.
As he was leaving the mess, Prabhu casually wandered over.
"I was wondering," Prabhu said. "You know what behanchod means, right? It's Hindu, not Adar."
"I know what behanchod means," Berg said, rubbing his stomach. "It involves doing some things with your sister that aren't considered nice or legal. Like I said, I had some friends that are Hindu. Rana, in fact."
"Oh," Prabhu said, then grinned. "In that case, yeah, Crowley's a behanchod."
"Noticed," Berg replied, heading back to the loading.
Berg was carrying a bag of miscellaneous supplies out to a truck in the parking lot when he passed Crowley and a corporal with the nametag "Lujan" outside the building puffing on cancer sticks.
"Nice to see some people get a smoke break," Berg said, shuffling past.
"Did you just dis me, private?" the corporal said angrily.
"Not at all," Berg replied. "I simply stated that it was pleasant to see you enjoying the air, Corporal."
"Careful, Drago," Crowley said, grinning. "This here's Two-Gun Berg. Don't want to get old Two-Gun angry with you, do you?"
"Two-gun mojo man," Lujan said, grinning. "Anybody stupid enough to two-gun mojo ain't smart enough to know if he's dissing somebody."
"I stand corrected, Corporal," Berg said. "And I guess you need to get your nicotine in now, given that we're going to be on a ship for some time."
"The ship's got a smoking area," Crowley said, grinning. "Care for a puff?" he added, holding out his pack of Marlboros.
"I do not indulge," Berg said, tossing the sack in the back of the ten ton.
"Drink?" the corporal asked.
"On occasion," Berg said. "Lightly."
"God, tell me that you grapp," Crowley said. "Otherwise we're going to have to yank that stake out of your ass, hard."
"Oh, I grapp like there's no tomorrow," Berg said. "They didn't call me Three-Ball for nothing. And my strength is as the strength of ten because my lungs are pure."
"Drago, would you mind informing me what you think you are doing out here smoking
when the rest of the company is busting its butt loading?" Top said, appearing around the corner of the building.
"Just done, Top!" Corporal Lujan said, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and starting to drop it.
"And if you mess up my loading bay, you are going to be doing pushups until your MOTHER'S hands bleed!"
"Aye-aye, Top!" Lujan said, field stripping the burning tobacco out of the cigarette instead of crushing it out on the ground.